About Us

The best experience is when you have personally experienced using a service!

  We pride ourselves on being one of the only guardianship services on the market that have actually gone through the British Educational system using guardians and host families ourselves. How many guardians who work with children and teenagers have been in this situation themselves? Only a tiny percentage of them, since only foreign students need guardians!

14 Years of Experience

I myself have come a long way, being in the United Kingdom since I was 6 years old. During these years I studied in different schools and had many different guardians and host families that I stayed with. From my personal 12 year experience with guardians, I know exactly how your child should be treated and how they should not. Over the years, I have analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the guardianship services that I have personally used. With Shylov Group Guardians I decided to implement and combine all the strengths into one service and improve it by removing all the weaknesses that the other guardianship services had, so that your child can have the best possible service and experience with us in the UK.

Highly Qualified Educators

My father and adviser, Yuriy Shylov, who is also a UK based guardian, knows the British education assessment system thoroughly. In many respects the British system differs from the majority of others, not only in the system of assessments, but also in their interpretation! He has personally visited about 40 schools, colleges and universities in the UK, school events and attends parent-teacher conferences.

Adjusting to life in the UK

All this time in Britain, we have studied the local culture, education and life, and from our own experience we understood how the system of guardians works and how to improve it so that we can help you and your children to adjust to their new life in Britain! 

Our Goal

My goal is to give your child a sense of protection and safety, an understanding of the situation and to help solve any issues that could occur during their time in the UK. With Shylov Group Guardians you will feel comfortable and knowledgeable in all matters to do with education and guardianship!

Wide Variety of Services

Whether you're looking for help with enrolling your child into school, a guardian and host family to stay with in the UK, or need help with travel arrangements, we can help. All of our services are specifically created to match you and your children's needs. 

Respectfully to you and your child, Dmitry Shylov Director of Shylov Group Limited